Five Step Carpet Care of Asheville NC provides rug and carpet cleaning services at the most affordable price in Asheville NC.

Cigarette Smoke Odor Removal in Asheville

cigarette smoke odor

Over time, we’ve been contacted by many former smokers who have successfully kicked the habit and improved their health and well-being. However, despite their efforts, they continue to struggle with a persistent issue: the lingering smell of cigarette smoke in their homes. This unpleasant odor can quickly become overwhelming and unbearable, prompting them to seek out solutions. As a result, Five Step has established itself as a leading provider of cigarette smoke odor removal services in Asheville.

The consequences of indoor smoking are not limited to just the immediate smell. Research has revealed that exposure to residual cigarette smoke, also known as “third-hand smoke,” can pose significant health risks, particularly for young children. Even after months of not smoking indoors, the lingering residues can contribute to respiratory issues and developmental delays in infants and children.

While some may attempt to mitigate the odor by airing out the house or using deodorizing products, these measures often provide only temporary relief. Merely deodorizing carpets and furniture are superficial solutions that fail to address the root of the problem. What’s needed is a thorough cleaning to eliminate the embedded residues from carpets, upholstery, and rugs.

While well-meaning advice may suggest replacing affected items, the truth is that professional cleaning can effectively eliminate both the odor and the harmful residues left behind by years of smoking. If you’ve recently quit smoking, congratulations on taking a positive step towards better health! Now, it’s time to tackle the lingering effects of your former habit by addressing the stubborn odors and residues in your home.

If you’re dealing with lingering cigarette smoke odors in your carpets, rugs, or upholstery, we’re here to assist you. Located in Asheville, NC, our team is equipped to provide comprehensive odor removal services. Give us a call at 828.237.3237 to schedule an appointment today!




How to Get Rust Stains Out of Carpet

rust stain

Rust stains on your carpet can be an unsightly and challenging problem to tackle. Whether it’s from a rusty piece of furniture, a metal object, or even a water leak, rust stains can be stubborn. However, with the right techniques and a bit of patience, you can effectively remove rust stains from your carpet. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the steps to get rust stains out of carpet, restoring its beauty.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. White vinegar
  2. Lemon juice
  3. Baking soda
  4. Clean, white cloth or paper towels
  5. A rust stain remover (we recommend Wink Rust Remover!)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Blot the stain. If the rust stain is fresh and damp, start by blotting the area with a clean, white cloth or paper towel. This will help absorb as much of the rust as possible before it sets in.
  2. Test in a hidden area. Before using any cleaning solution, test it in an inconspicuous area of your carpet to ensure it won’t cause color fading or damage. Wait a few minutes and check for adverse reactions.
  3. Apply lemon juice. Saturate the rust stain with fresh lemon juice. Lemon juice contains natural acids that can help break down the rust. Allow it to sit for about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Blot with a cloth. After letting the lemon juice work its magic, blot the stain with a clean, white cloth. You should start to see the rust transferring to the cloth.
  5. Make a baking soda paste. Mix baking soda with a small amount of water to create a paste. Apply this paste to the remaining rust stain, gently scrubbing it with a soft cloth. The baking soda acts as a mild abrasive and can help lift the remaining rust.
  6. Rinse and blot. After scrubbing, rinse the area with water to remove the lemon juice and baking soda residue. Blot the area with a clean cloth.
  7. Use a rust stain remover (optional). If the rust persists, consider using a commercial rust stain remover. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  8. Final rinse and dry. After using the rust stain remover, give the area a final rinse with water and blot it dry. Make sure the carpet is completely dry to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Removing rust stains from your carpet may require a bit of effort, but it’s certainly possible with the right approach. Lemon juice and baking soda are effective and non-toxic solutions, but if the stain persists, a commercial rust stain remover can be a helpful last resort. Always remember to test any cleaning solution in an inconspicuous area first, and be patient as you work on the stain. With persistence and care, you can restore the pristine look of your carpet.

The Difference Between Carpet Cleaning and Carpet Restoration

commercial carpet cleaning

Carpet cleaning and carpet restoration are two terms often used in the realm of carpet maintenance, but they refer to different processes and outcomes. Understanding the distinctions between the two can help you determine the appropriate solution for your carpeting needs. Let’s explore the difference between carpet cleaning and carpet restoration.

Carpet Cleaning

Carpet cleaning primarily focuses on removing dirt, stains, allergens, and odors from the surface of the carpet. It involves deep cleaning techniques to eliminate accumulated debris, dust mites, pet dander, and other pollutants. Carpet cleaning methods include steam cleaning, dry cleaning, or encapsulation cleaning.

The primary goal of carpet cleaning is to refresh and maintain the cleanliness of the carpet, enhancing its appearance and improving indoor air quality. Professional carpet cleaners use specialized equipment and cleaning solutions to extract dirt and stains, leaving the carpet looking rejuvenated. Regular carpet cleaning is essential for preventing the buildup of contaminants and maintaining a healthy living environment.

Carpet Restoration

Carpet restoration, on the other hand, goes beyond the surface cleaning of the carpet and addresses more significant issues, such as extensive damage, wear, or structural problems. It involves a comprehensive process to revive and repair carpets that have suffered from severe stains, burns, water damage, or deterioration over time.

Carpet restoration may include a range of techniques depending on the specific needs of the carpet. This can involve patching damaged areas, re-stretching to remove wrinkles, replacing sections of the carpet, color correction, or even complete carpet replacement in extreme cases. The goal of carpet restoration is to return the carpet to its original condition, or as close to it as possible.

While carpet cleaning is typically a routine maintenance procedure, carpet restoration is often required when carpets have experienced significant damage or degradation. Restoration is more expensive and may involve multiple steps, specialized tools, and expertise to bring the carpet back to its former glory.

Carpet cleaning and carpet restoration are distinct processes with different objectives. Carpet cleaning focuses on regular maintenance, removing surface dirt and stains, while carpet restoration deals with more extensive damage and aims to repair and restore the carpet to its original condition. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision about the appropriate approach to maintaining or revitalizing your carpet. Consulting with a professional carpet cleaning or carpet restoration service can provide further guidance based on your carpet’s specific needs.


How to Get Chewing Gum Out of Carpet

When you find a sticky, gunky mess of gum stuck in your carpet, you’ll want to get it out as soon as possible. But how? You may have heard that freezing the gum with ice does the trick. While freezing is a helpful start, it may not be enough to complete the task. It all depends on how stuck into the carpet fibers the gum is. But don’t fret! There are ways to get chewing gum out of carpet. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Freeze the gum. Put a few ice cubes in a plastic baggy and place it on top of the gum. Leave it there for a few minutes, long enough for the gum to freeze and harden. Once it is hardened, try to pull the gum off of the carpet. If you succeed, great! You can stop here. But if there are still bits of gum ground into the carpet fibers that won’t come off, continue on to the next step.
  2. Apply WD-40. Please perform a spot test first to ensure that no discoloration will result! WD-40 is great for dissolving chewing gum, enabling you to easily lift it from the carpet. Spray the solution from close to the gum stain, and with a butter knife, scrape at the gum, picking up the bits as they separate from the mass. You may need to reapply the WD-40 if there is a lot of gum, or if it is ground deeply into the carpet.
  3. Quick clean-up. Finally, once the gum is completely removed, spray the area with your favorite non-toxic carpet spot cleaner, or a small amount of dish detergent and water. Wipe it with a clean cloth, and allow to air dry.

And that’s it! By following these three steps, you should be able to get chewing gum out of carpet without a big hassle. If you live in the Asheville, NC area and you need some help with carpet cleaning, give Five Step a call at 828.327.7233 or use our contact form.

How to Get Wax Out of Carpet

wax on carpet

Did your elegant candlelit dinner result in a waxy mess? Did your séance go awry when someone toppled the candle onto the carpet? Or perhaps you just have a teenager. Regardless of how you ended up with a wax stain, you are probably wondering how to get wax out of carpet.

Removing dried, hardened wax from carpet might seem tricky, but it’s definitely doable. Just follow the three simple steps below and see for yourself.


  1. Scrape up the dry wax. Using a butter knife or other dull metal straight-edge, scrape the hardened wax and vacuum up the chunks. You can also score the surface of the wax and lift it up in pieces with the knife.
  2. Iron the wax stain. Place a wet towel over the hardened wax and hold your heated iron on top of the towel for up to 30 seconds at a time. The wax will melt and be lifted onto the towel. The towel must be wet to avoid overheating and possibly burning the towel or the carpet underneath. If your towel dries out, wet it again. For an extra heavy wax spill, have extra towels on hand in case the first one gets too saturated with wax. Repeat until the wax is gone.
  3. Remove any remaining residue. At this point, you can use a regular carpet cleaning spray to remove any remaining wax film. Use the carpet cleaner according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


If you have any trouble with the above steps, it may be time to call in the pros! Give Five Step Carpet Care a call at 828.237.3237 or drop us a line.


Carpet Cleaning for Small Businesses: Why is it Important?

carpet care for small businesses

Being a small business owner isn’t easy! There are so many things on your to-do list: hiring, billing, customer service, marketing, delivery, equipment maintenance, accounting…the list is never-ending. It’s understandable that sometimes more minor tasks are forgotten or put off until later. One of those possibly minor-seeming tasks might be carpet cleaning for small businesses.

But it’s not a good idea to make professional carpet cleaning one of those “back burner” tasks. If you have carpet in your business location, keeping it fresh and clean is important. The way your space looks and smells helps your customer to form their first impression of the business. But, perhaps even more importantly, professional carpet cleaning protects your health as well, not to mention the health of your employees and customers.

Over time, carpets will accumulate pollutants that could pose a health hazard. These contaminants come into your business through foot traffic, drafts from open doors or windows, HVAC systems, spills, and even coughs or sneezes. Regular vacuuming can eliminate some of the toxins, like mold spores, pollen, and dust. But other health hazards–like bacteria, viruses, harmful chemicals and pesticides–can only be extracted using professional cleaning methods.

To make sure your business space is both clean and healthy, it’s a good idea to commit to routine professional cleaning.

How often should you have your carpets cleaned? Well, it depends.

  • If you do not receive clients at your location, and you have relatively little foot traffic, you can probably get by with yearly professional cleanings.
  • If your business location does receive clients, or has moderate to heavy foot traffic, two to three cleanings a year are recommended.
  • Restaurants, hotels, and nursing homes should have carpets cleaned more frequently in order to maintain a healthy environment. Monthly cleaning is recommended.
  • Elementary and high schools should have carpets cleaned on an every three to six months schedule.
  • Carpets in kindergartens or day care centers require extra attention. Small children are built low to the ground and attract a lot more dirt and dust than adults, as well as bacteria and viruses. Their developing immune systems are also much more susceptible to illness from bacteria or viruses. Therefore, it is recommended that daycare centers have carpets cleaned monthly.

Carpet cleaning for small businesses requires maintenance! In between professional cleanings, follow these tips to keep your small business’s carpets looking their best:

  • Stick to a regular vacuuming schedule.
  • When having work done inside your location (like remodeling or plumbing), put down adhesive carpet protection strips where the heaviest foot traffic will be.
  • Place welcome mats both inside and outside all entrances so customers and employees can wipe their feet before entering the space.
  • When small spills or stains occur, you can blot (not rub) with a dry paper towel to remove as much of the moisture as you can, then apply a spot cleaner according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Before using any spot cleaner on your carpet, do a spot test in an out-of-sight location to ensure the cleaner won’t result in fading or damage to the carpet fiber.

If your business is located in the Asheville, NC area, give Five Step a call at 828.237.7233 or contact us to discuss your carpet care needs.

How to Get Tomato Sauce Stains Out of Carpet and Upholstery

how to get tomato sauce out of carpet

Tomato based stains may look tough, but they’re actually not hard to remove! Whether it’s pizza, marinara, ketchup, or soup, here’s how to get tomato sauce stains out of carpet and upholstery.

Your half-eaten slice of pizza slips off your plate and lands, upside down, on the couch. You pick it up quickly, only to reveal that the pizza sauce has already done its dirty work: there’s a stain on your upholstery!

When it comes to carpet and upholstery stains, the tomato-based type are among the most feared by homeowners. It can take many forms, from pizza sauce to marinara sauce to Bloody Marys. But the good news is that, although tomato-based stains certainly do look bad, they’re actually not difficult to clean in most cases.

As always, try to clean the stain as soon as it occurs. If you don’t, you’re giving those tomato juices extra time to set into the fabric or carpet fiber and dry, making your job more difficult. But even if you don’t notice the stain at first, it’s still possible to clean it after it’s set in. It might just take some extra effort.

Here are the supplies you’ll need:

  • A butter knife
  • A bucket
  • Warm water
  • Dish soap
  • Two clean cloths or towels, one for wet-blotting and one for drying.
  • A spray bottle
  • White vinegar

Follow these steps to remove the tomato sauce stain from your upholstery or carpet:

  1. Use the butter knife to gently remove any excess sauce from above the carpet or upholstery surface. This is better than using a cloth or paper towel, which can spread and smear the sauce into the fabric.
  2. Add a squirt of dish soap to four cups of warm water in your bucket and mix it.
  3. Wet one of the towels in the dish soap-water solution and rub at the tomato sauce stain, allowing the stain to absorb into the towel.
  4. When the stain is gone, blot dry with the second towel. If you’ve gone through steps 1-4 two or three times and the stain is still there, move onto step 5.
  5. Spray undiluted vinegar onto the stain using the spray bottle, and let sit for about twenty minutes.
  6. Use a clean towel to blot the vinegar-treated stain.
  7. Repeat until stain is gone.

If the stain is very large or well set, you may want to call in the professionals rather than devote all that time to cleaning it yourself. In that case, we’d love to help! Give Five Step Carpet Care a call at 828.237.3237 or get in touch via our contact form.

Small Businesses Need Carpet Care, Too!

It can be stressful for small business owners to make sure that everything gets done. As an entrepreneur, you’ve got a never-ending list of things to do: hiring, billing, customer service, marketing, product and service delivery, equipment maintenance, and taxes, just to name a few! Every task must be done on time and efficiently. With all of those demands on an small business owner’s time, it’s understandable that more minor tasks always seem to get put off until later.

Professional cleaning for your carpets can often be one of those “back burner” tasks. But if your small business has carpet, it’s important to keep it looking fresh and clean—especially if you employ people or receive customers at your business location. Aesthetics are important—the way your business space looks will often help your potential customer form their first impression of your business. But the importance of carpet cleaning goes beyond the purely superficial. Your health, as well as that of your employees and customers, is also a factor.

Over time, carpets accumulate pollutants that can become a health hazard. These pollutants are transferred onto carpets from foot traffic, drafts from an open door, spills, or even sneezes. Some of these contaminants, such as mold spores, pollen, and dust, can be eliminated with regular vacuuming. But other toxins–like bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and pesticides–can only be extracted by using professional cleaning methods. In order to keep your business’s carpets clean AND healthy, it’s a good idea to commit to routine cleaning.

How often depends on what kind of business you are running.

  • If you do not receive clients at your location, and you have relatively little foot traffic, you can probably get by with yearly professional cleanings.
  • If your business location does receive clients, or has moderate to heavy foot traffic, two to three cleanings a year are recommended.
  • Restaurants, hotels, and nursing homes should have carpets cleaned more frequently in order to maintain a healthy environment. Monthly cleaning is recommended.
  • Elementary and high schools should have carpets cleaned on an every three to six months schedule.
  • Carpets in kindergartens or day care centers require extra attention. Young children are built low to the ground and attract a lot more dirt and dust than adults, as well as bacteria and viruses. Their developing immune systems are also much more susceptible to illness from bacteria or viruses. Therefore it is recommended that daycare centers have carpets professionally cleaned monthly.
  • In between cleanings, you can keep your carpets looking beautiful by implementing a regular vacuuming schedule. When having work done inside your location (like remodeling or plumbing), put down adhesive carpet protection strips where the heaviest foot traffic will be. It’s also a great idea to place welcome mats both inside and outside all entrances so customers and employees to wipe their feet before entering the space. When small spills or stains occur, you can blot (not rub) with a dry paper towel to remove as much of the moisture as you can. It’s a good idea not to use spot cleaners on your carpet unless you’ve previously tested them in an out-of-sight location to ensure they don’t result in fading or damage to the carpet fiber. Finally, be aware that attempting to clean your business’s carpets on your own could result in a voided manufacturer’s warranty.

We hope this blog post helped you make an informed decision about carpet care for your business! If your business is located in the Asheville, NC area, give Five Step a call at 828.237.7233 or contact us to discuss your carpet care needs.


Here Are the Five Steps that Made Us Famous!

Five Step Carpet Care? What are these five steps all about?

We aren’t in the business of building staircases and we haven’t invented any new dance moves lately. But we have developed a unique, five step process for cleaning carpets that works better than our competitors! Here they are:

  • STEP 1: A professional soil extractor is used to remove deep down dirt, dust and allergens.
  • STEP 2: Non-toxic cleaning solution is applied to carpet fibers with special attention given to problem areas.
  • STEP 3: A professional rotary activator is used to loosen and lift deeply embedded soil and stains from the carpet. At this step, we also use hot water extraction if necessary.
  • STEP 4: A machine with a special 100% cotton bonnet is used to remove any remaining soil and pollutants. It also accelerates drying.
  • STEP 5: Carpet pile is groomed to give it the new carpet look and feel. Furniture is placed back to its original position with special protective pads.

Our goal is to always be honest and transparent with our customers. Some companies will only answer questions in a vague manner. They promise to get out stains and odors, but a few days after they leave, the dirt seems to re-emerge from beneath the carpet. Or, their cleaning solutions end up damaging the carpet that they were paid to clean!

We don’t mind telling you exactly what our five step process entails, because we have nothing to hide. Our cleaning solutions are honest, just like we are with our customers.

Our green carpet cleaning solution is non-toxic, biodegradable, colorless, odorless, and hypoallergenic. It contains no soap, bleach or enzymes. That means it’s safe for your carpets and healthy for your kids and pets. Also, we use a lot less water than our industry competitors, making Five Step the sustainable carpet cleaning option. Since our cleaning solution is soap-free, your carpets will stay clean longer, as there is no residue left over for dirt and grime to adhere to.

Honesty is the best policy. If we only use the safest and most environmentally friendly cleaning products, then we can afford to be honest about what we use. We believe that the health of our clients, their pets, and the environment is more important than our bottom line.

If you’re looking for green carpet cleaning in Asheville, NC and the surrounding areas, give us a call at 828.237.3237 our contact form to drop us a line today!


How to Get Dents Out Of Carpets

Rearranging your living room only to find unsightly dents in your carpet? Not a problem. Divots left behind in your carpet by pieces of furniture can easily be removed and fluffed out with these simple steps.

  1. Lay a damp towel over the dent.
  2. Run an iron over the towel on medium heat, checking periodically to see if the carpet fibers beneath have started to rise. The heat of the iron should gradually cause the fibers to spring back to their original shape.
  3. Leave the towel on top of the dent until completely dry.
  4. Finally, vacuum the affected area. The suction from the vacuum cleaner will pull the fibers up to their normal height.

This simple process should remove even the deepest divots from your carpet or rug. If you find that you need additional help to make your carpets look brand new, give Five Step a call at 828.237.3237 or drop us a line today. We offer a full range of effective, sustainable, and friendly floor cleaning services, and we love nothing more than making our customers happy!