Have an old sofa that’s been sitting in your basement for a decade? Or maybe you recently purchased a set of antique upholstered chairs from a yard sale? Maybe you’re worried that the fabric might be harboring hidden mold and bacteria. Not to worry! It is possible to sanitize upholstered furniture, and it’s not as difficult as you might think!
Disinfecting fabric is actually quite simple. There are many disinfectant sprays on the market that are safe to use on fabrics, and you can even whip up your own antibacterial, antifungal spray at home using eco-friendly ingredients. However, these products may only work to sanitize the surface of your upholstered furniture. For deep cleaning that tackles hidden health hazards inside stuffing and cushions, you are probably better off hiring a professional upholstery cleaning service. It just depends on how deep the contamination goes.
If you’re going the DIY route, the first thing you’ll want to do is to choose a disinfecting spray. Check the instructions and cautions on the label of any store-bought product you choose to make sure it’s safe for use on fabrics. And just to be certain, test a small area on the back of a seat cushion or somewhere that will remain hidden from sight. Allow the product to dry and make sure it doesn’t result in discoloration or any other undesired affects.
If everything looks good, you can go ahead and spray your upholstered furniture all over with the disinfectant. Leave seat cushions out so that the air will circulate around them, helping the product to dry adequately.
For an all-natural, eco-friendly spray, use equal parts vodka and water. Seriously! The vodka both sanitizes and deodorizes, and will not damage fabrics. (Again, if you want to be extra sure, just spray a test area before you proceed with cleaning the rest of the upholstery.) You can even add natural fragrances—a drop or two of lemon, lavender, or peppermint oil works well–to make your spray smell great.
If you’re concerned that there might be bacteria, viruses, mold, or mildew hiding deep inside the stuffing or seat cushions of your upholstered furniture, you’ll want to hire a professional for a thorough deep cleaning.
In the Asheville, NC area, Five Step Carpet Care is your number one source for upholstery cleaning and disinfecting. Give us a call at 828.237.3237 or use our contact form to get in touch today!